Welcome to First Church Dayton. We are a thriving community of faith seeking to share with our neighbors and the world the hope we have in Christ Jesus. Throughout every week we have opportunities to explore the scriptures, examine our personal relationship with God, encourage one another and reach out to others. Won’t you join us on your journey of faith?
The following classes are
Sundays at 10:10 am:
Ketchersid Sunday School Class:
We meet in the library located on the north end of the Family Life Center.
The class studies books of the Bible using study guides by David Guzik (enduringword.com) as well as other commentaries. The class takes a verse-by-verse approach to explore how the message was understood at the time it was written and how we can apply it to our lives. Each member's comments and experiences are an important part of the class. The class is lead by Diana Nevans. We have had members from age 12 to 90. All ages are welcome.
Upper Room
The “Upper Room” Sunday school class consists of people ages 20-65, single and married. We meet upstairs at the very end of the hallway. We study a variety of subjects and every class is devoted to the Word of God, illuminated by the Holy Spirit. This is a very interactive class where we all learn from each other. We also enjoy doing life together outside of class. The teacher of the class is Heather Sneed and she has taught the class for the last 15 years. She is passionate about teaching and studying the Word of God and earned her Master’s degree in Biblical Studies from Moody Theological Seminary.
Everyone is welcome in this class.
Open Door Class
Adults of all ages are welcome. During the first few months of 2020 class members will study The Red Sea Rules by Robert J. Morgan. The book presents powerful and effective God-given strategies for coping with difficulties in life. Members will study scriptures which provide assurance of God’s control and protection during hard times.
Women's Bible Study
At First Church, Upper Room
Mondays at 7:00 PM,
Starting September 12
See Lindsey Bamber
Young Adult/
College Student Bible Study
10:30am-11:30am Sunday Mornings
Plus Fun Activities Throughout the Week
Designed for 18-25 year olds, who want to
find their place in a church after high school. Let’s navigate the joys and challenges of adulting. You can ask the hard, raw questions and receive honest answers. Come join us!
Leaders: David and Diana Holcomb
College Rep: Carisse Arseneaux
Career Rep: Levi Stumbo
e-mail: David.holcomb@bryan.edu
phone: 423-605-1534
Zoom Adult Bible Study
Led by Pastor Layne
Wednesdays,11:00 am – 12:00
On Zoom
Text Cyndie: 423-240-0187
His Providence Ministry
His Providence is a new ministry seeking to serve the women of our community. This ministry comes from a deep personal desire to give back the love my children and I were shown at a time when we needed it most. It is a COST-FREE store where women can come “shop” for everything they may need; from the basics of PJs to an outfit for a job interview. Children's clothes will also be available.
Divorce Care is a widely recognized support program for divorced and separated adults. Meetings are Mondays: 7:00 - 8:30 pm (See Leigha Miller for questions.)
Jail Ministry
Monday evening for men, Wednesday afternoon/Thursday nights for women.
For info contact Heather Sneed
Feed America
Every Wednesday and Friday, Signups begin at 10:00 a.m. until we run out of food. Help is needed with sorting, shelving, and distributing food.
Monday nights from 6-7 p.m. For more information, contact Kristin Urani
Veterans Breakfast
Every Friday Morning at 8:30 a.m.
Bryan College Cafeteria
See Pastor Lane for more info.
1st Saturday of the month
at 8 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall
Senior Outreach
Senior Covered Dish lunch (2nd Sunday) in the Fellowship Hall after 2nd Service
Everyone is invited (contact Katie Trotter)
Senior Fellowship dinner (4th Thursday) different restaurants every month, transportation provided from the church (contact Katie Trotter)
Christmas Basket Ministry
Shoebox Ministry