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Outdoor Service & Updates

COVID-19 Updates - June 10, 2020

Church Family,

The plans are made and have been approved. The church will meet for an outdoor service on Sunday, June 14 at 9:00 a.m.

Below are some important details related to Sunday. These restrictions follow the guidelines written by the Holston Conference of the United Methodist Church.

Parking – Attendants in yellow vests will be at the 3 designated areas to greet you. Designated parking areas: the sports complex and gas company lots and along Market Street.

Seating Everyone is asked to bring your own lawn chair and sit with your household in a designated location in the area near the portico on the westside of the building. Hickory Street will be closed and all the usual church parking spaces will be cleared and ready for your lawn chairs.

Social Distancing – Household units (you and/or you and your family) should observe a 6 feet separation from the next unit. Social distancing will be expected when approaching table areas.

Face Masks For the safety of those around you, everyone 2 years and older is asked to wear a face mask. If you do not have a mask, there will be extra ones on tables throughout the area.

No Restrooms Facilities in the building will not be available.

Recording Attendance – A crucial requirement for church gatherings is that the names of all persons in attendance and their contact information be recorded. In the event that someone in attendance tested positive for COVID-19, all persons who were at that service will be contacted. Individual Attendance Cards will be located on tables throughout the seating area. All in attendance are expected to take a card, complete the information and return it to an Attendance Box on any of the tables.

Touchless Offering – Offering Boxes will be labeled and located on tables throughout the area. Place your offering in the receptacle as you enter or exit. The boxes will not be passed from group to group during the service.

The Worship Service – A raised platform will be placed near the portico. The praise band will lead in worship. Congregational singing is not allowed during our re-opening. Singing can potentially spread the virus in the same manner that coughing or sneezing can. Pastor Ken will preach from the same platform.

On- line For those who are not able to come, join us online by going to the church website at and click “CONNECT.” Those with a cough, fever or other vulnerable condition should worship with us from home.

Gratitude Even though there are still things we can't do right now, let's be thankful for all the things we can do as we gather together. Let our gathering be marked by joy and gratitude. Celebrate the words of David, “I rejoiced with those who said to me, Let us go to the house of the Lord." Psalm 122:1(NIV)

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